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Refugee Immigration in Canada: An Overview

Canada has a long-standing tradition of accepting refugee claimants from around the world. In fact, Canada is one of the top refugee resettlement countries, with a commitment to resettling more than 30,000 refugees each year.

The in-Canada refugee process involves several steps, beginning with an application for refugee protection (the “Application”). Foreign nationals can apply for protection from inside and outside of Canada, though the in-Canada process is streamlined and more effective.

Once the Application has been submitted, it is reviewed by Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, which assesses the application based on a number of factors, including the applicant’s reasons for seeking protection, the availability of state protection, and the situation in their country of origin.

If the Application is approved, the refugee claimant is granted protected-person status and may then apply for permanent residency. If the Application is denied, there are several options the refugee claimant may have access to to avoid removal back to his or her country of origin.

While Canada has a robust system in place for assessing refugee claims, the process is challenging and time-consuming for refugee claimants already facing other hurdles along the way. In recent years, Canada has been criticized for the waiting periods before a refugee claim is heard by the Refugee Protection Division.

Despite these challenges, Canada remains committed to providing a safe haven for asylum seekers, with many Canadians welcoming newcomers with open arms and providing support through various community organizations.

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